Thursday, March 22, 2012

Dog Days of Spring?

I feel like I’ve woken up and hell has frozen over. Or in this case hell has melted over. I look at the calendar and see we’re halfway through March, but it sure feels like June has made an uninvited entrance into my life instead. Those who know me are aware of my intense dislike of warm weather. I realize I am in the minority so there’s no need to tell me otherwise. When I complain about how sweltering it is outside I receive the usual quizzical stares from people as if I’m saying something bizarre. I don’t see where it’s written (certainly not in the Bible) that I have to love when the temperatures rises. What’s so damn fantastic about feeling sticky, sweaty, and all around nasty? Before anyone attempts to try to explain it to me, save your breath. This is not some new revelation I’m revealing. I have felt this way for many years, except only recently I have developed such a hostile hatred for summer that it’s almost driving me insane. The day I win the lottery I’m moving to either Alaska or Seattle. North Pole, here I come!

I’ll break it down simply:

Allergy Season: From mid April to about August I cannot breath. The second the leaves start budding and the flowers start blooming I start a-sneezing. The itchy nose, the watery eyes, the nasal congestion, and all around feeling like I need to rip my face off are common occurrences during this time. My allergy is at it's all time debilitating in May, but doesn’t exactly taper off until October when the leaves start to fall. I can recall one horrific Mother’s Day a few years ago where I spent the entire Sunday sneezing non-stop. So much so I gave myself a nose bleed. I take all the medicine the doctors have to offer; both over the counter and prescribed. All of them work somewhat but not enough to truly make me feel normal. I don’t appreciate having to take the pills in the first place. I’m very anti medication of any sort. But alas it’s like fighting a losing battle. What I fear most of all is how this coming spring will be one of the worst ever with the early onslaught of heat. No relief in sight for me.

The Bugs: Those irritating little critters come out in full swing and over stay their welcome well into the autumn months. Living on the ground level these pesky buzzards walk right in without knocking. I despise insects. I don't fear them as much as just plain hate 'em! I don't feel they contribute much at all except to drive me batty. Having pale skin doesn't help since apparently that is their meal of choice. They want to take a bite out of me at every waking moment. Sure the answer is to cover myself with insect repellant. Add more goo to the already applied sun screen. Again pale skin+hot sun=red faced blistering Diane!

The Noise: I feel like the Grinch in How The Grinch Stole Christmas when I say this, but the noise noise NOISE! Why is it is so incredibly noisy all summer long? It's like some massive overblown party going on for three months I was interested attending yet have am forced to endure. People play their music with the windows rolled down, the ice cream truck from hell goes up and down my block at all hours of the day, and worst of all is the barbecues until 2 am on weekend. Let's not forget the crime! People are much more anxious to whip out the guns at night and start shooting aimlessly when the temps hit 95F. Oh what a joy to be out and about in New York among these conditions!

And lastly the humidity: There is nothing like stepping outside of my front door and immediately being attacked by damp, moist fog-like air! First I can't breathe and then within seconds I can't see because my hair is stuck to my face. So are my clothes. I feel like I'm swimming in a swamp. You can forget about even trying to appear to look attractive. When the mascara runs down my eyes mixed with sweat I can't say I look at all appealing. 

Yet these are months everyone supposedly looks forward to. Hot fun in the summer time right? Give me cold, crisp, wintry blistery days all year long!! I feel completely robbed of a decent winter season and it's baffling why everyone is running around celebrating like they've just been through the biggest deep freeze of their life. I can only imagine what's in store this coming summer and I guarantee it will not be pretty. Expect further rants with increasing rage as the weeks continue!


  1. Well I think can post under annonymous, Di. But is me


  2. Hey Luna! Yup you post under anonymous. You can type in your name so it doesn't come up "anonymous" that way I know it's you :)

  3. Summer here in Texas is like Hell on earth, and since we did not have much of a winter, I know it will be bad. Last summer it was over 100 for a month. Not only 100, but 110 at times. I don't mind Spring, but loathe summer. Give me the coldest winter ever over summer!

  4. Oh Dana I wouldn't wish your summers on my worst enemy! It sounds so unpleasant. I have a friend who visited Texas in April and he said it was too damn hot. I can't imagine summers. Over 100 for a month??? Ugh! I'm with you girl, give me the coldest winter over the hottest summer.

    Thanks for commenting by the way! :)

  5. Oy, the noise! I don't drive, so often when I'm on my bicycle, broiling under the killer rays waiting for a light to change, I'll be startled out of my heat-hating reverie by a car radio being played as loud as possible by some twit who doesn't have the smarts to roll up his window and turn on the A/C!

  6. Hey, Diane, you just know I'm in complete agreement. Right now, though, I'm just trying to see if I can post with my blasted Google account!

  7. Nancy, god forbid anyone in the New York/New Jersey area rolls up the windows to use the a/c. No these morons want everyone to hear their crap music! And yes you can post with your Google account. Thanks for commenting. You are my #1 summer hating partner-in-crime! :) I don't drive either so you know all about my miserable experiences on the hot trains/buses! ARGH.

    1. ...and...the old A/C has just gone on for the first time since last September. I didn't want to do it, really I didn't, but even with the shades all Miss Havisham-y drawn, it got too damned hot.
      Two bugs have also met their end, as well--dunno how they got in, but they're going out 6-feet first!

  8. Ha! I beat you to it, Nancy. I put mine on Tuesday. It was rattling for a few minutes like it was about to croak and I was pleading with it to stay on. I had to do it. Yeah I've seen a few beetles creeping in already through the front door. Where the hell do they hang out when it's cold? I'm glad you got to log in finally :)

  9. YAY! I can post!
    Regarding summer or hot days: the bugs are the ones that really creep me out. You all should see me spraying and fighting bumble bees. I swear, those monsters know how to attack me!


    1. Luna, I think the bugs drive me crazy most of all. They don't creep me out a much as just piss me off. I'm not a tropical person at all. I like to live among nature that is quiet and "dead". No grass, no leaves, no flowers, etc.

  10. Ha! Funny post. The humidity bothers me more than it used to, though the heat itself is okay. I used to beat tennis opponents during the hottest days by just defending the baseline and wearing them down. Once I get going in the summer, I don't really even feel the heat anymore. Love it!!!

    Air conditioning in March! :-)

    My allergies get bad, too, though the meds and regiment I'm using now work pretty well. But I used to sneeze 24/7 in the summer, and get sinus and bronchial infections all the time. I'd be one of those guys sneezing 27 times in a row, until my throat, tonsils, ears and eyes were worthless and in pain. UGH!!!

    P.S.--And, hey, D., thanks for the shout out about the story!

  11. I don't feel the heat either because I'm usually locked in doors sitting next to my a/c with a glass of iced tea for three months!

    I should look into your meds and regiment because the allergies really kick my ass all summer long. Almost to the point where it's debilitating.

    Thanks for the comment, Steven. And you're welcome :)
