Saturday, May 19, 2012

40 Random Things About Me

1. I am left handed, but have been forced to gain strength in my right as well.

2. I am very low maintenance. I don't ask for much in life. 

3. Most of the time I don't enjoy talking. I find it to be a chore.

4. I have a very poor sense of direction.

5. I get claustrophobic around large groups of people.

6.  Autumn is my favorite season followed closely by winter. 

7. I've seen every episode of The X-Files.

8. I am consistently late for everything (except flights to LA!)

9. I enjoy listening to oldies from the '50s and '60s.

10. I don't own a vehicle.

11. I speak very softly. Deal with it. If you can't hear me then go talk to someone else.

12.  I enjoy going to the movies and shopping alone.

13. I am not, never have been, and never will be a morning person.

14. Dark chocolate is one of my greatest weaknesses.

15. Some of my closest friends I've met online.

16. I cannot sleep in total silence. I leave the fan on even if directed away from me.

17. I'm not a fan of the NY Yankees despite where I grew up.

18. I am allergic to just about everything.

19. I never learned how to swim.

20. I find manicures and pedicures to be a complete waste of time and money. 

21. I had the best time of my life during a two week road trip to California in 2007.

22. Watching my favorite '80s films is very therapeutic for me.

23. I suffer from palmar and plantar hyperhidrosis.

24. Public speaking is my biggest fear.

25. I love rain and snow storms; sunshine is boring!

26. I can eat an entire jar full of olives in one sitting.

27. Taking off in an airplane is one of the best feelings.

28. I love to watch horror films. The more frightening the better!

29. I don't have a middle name.

30. I am terrible at Math.

31. None of my co-workers know the real me and they probably never will. 

32. I am filled to the brim with regrets.

33. I hate buying shoes. I hate buying clothes period. I'm a casual tomboy.

34. If I'm giggling then it means I like you.

35. I am not good with babies or kids...and I walk in the other direction if I see a group of them.

36. My all time favorite Stephen King literary character is Arnie Cunningham (Christine, 1983).

37. I am a complete coffee addict.
38. Comedies rarely ever make me laugh. 

39. I love scented candles and have them in every room. 

40. I'm obsessed with knowing the time and cannot leave the house without a watch. 



  1. Awe! Thanks for sharing Diane. :)

  2. what a cool post, Di :)

  3. From Luna:

    Good to know you better through the random.

  4. That was great to read - I was nodding at some of your 40 things about you - I have a couple of those things in common with you - like 7,37,10,12,33,40 and 11 I am a bit deaf so you might have to use sign language for me - LOL - I loved this post it made me smile.
